Top 5 Air Purifying Indoor Plants For Styling Your Home

 Top 5 Air Purifying Indoor Plants For Styling Your Home

In 1980, an American scientist named Dr. Bill Wolverton conducted an interesting experiment."

"They took some plants from their home and put them in a gas chamber to see which plants could effectively remove pollutants, i.e., chemicals that contaminate the air.

They introduced each pollutant one by one and wanted to find out which indoor plants could remove or decrease pollutants."

Top 5 Air Purifying Indoor Plants For Styling Your Home
In 1980, based on a certain report, NASA created a list of indoor plants that can efficiently purify the air. After that, a lot of research was conducted on indoor plants and it was found that many indoor plants commonly seen in households are quite efficient in purifying the air. When NASA created its list in 1989, it also stated that having one medium-sized plant per 100 square feet is important to keep the air clear. This means that for an average flat with a size of 800 to 1000 square feet, I would recommend having 8 to 10 medium-sized air-purifying plants to keep the air clean.

This list is quite long, so today I would like to talk about the top 5 stylish indoor plants that are also air-purifying. These indoor plants are efficient in purifying the air but are also aesthetically pleasing for keeping in the house.

Z Z plants

ZZ or Zanzibar Gem is a green leafy plant that can be grown indoors. Its botanical name is Zamioculcas zamiifolia. This plant remains green throughout the year and can grow up to 2-4 feet in height. The ZZ plant purifies the air and produces oxygen, making it suitable for indoor use. It helps to create clean air inside the house, which is beneficial for health.

They adapt to various environments and don't die easily. ZZ plant leaves are somewhat toxic, so keep them away from small children and pets to prevent ingestion.

According to a study conducted by NASA, the ZZ plant removes toxic chemicals from the air, such as xylene, toluene, benzene, etc. 

This makes the ZZ plant an excellent air-purifying plant. Many items used inside the house such as plastic paint, electronic items, varnish, etc., release some chemical components into the air which can be harmful to health. The ZZ plant helps to remove these chemicals and promotes the flow of oxygen in the house.

HOW TO GROW ZZ PLANTS(ZZ प्लांट कैसे लगायें)

ZZ Plant is great for planting in pots because it doesn't grow so much that it needs to be planted in the ground. However, if you want, you can also plant it in the ground. There is no special soil requirement for planting ZZ Plant, just make sure there is a provision for extra water to drain out of the pot. If water is allowed to stagnate in the pot, it can damage the roots of any plant.

There are 3 ways to plant a ZZ plant

  • From the roots of ZZ plant
  • Planting ZZ plant cuttings.
  • From the leaves of ZZ plant.

From the roots of ZZ plant

The roots of this plant look like potatoes. It stores water in these roots, which allows it to survive for several days without water. The roots are a cluster of small and large tubers, similar to potatoes.

By planting these tubers separately, a new ZZ plant can be grown. Normal soil can be used to plant it, or you can mix 25% cow dung and 25% coco peat if you wish. Adding coco peat will prevent water from accumulating in the soil and the plant will not require frequent watering.

Planting ZZ plant cuttings

To plant a cutting, take a stem of about 1 foot long from a mature plant using a knife or blade. Leave 2-3 leaves on the stem and remove the rest. Then press the stem into about 4-5 inches of moist soil and water it. Place it in a shaded area and keep the soil moist. In about 3-4 weeks, roots will begin to grow and new leaves will start to emerge.

From the leaves of ZZ plant.

This is a good method for preparing small plants. Take a leaf of ZZ plant. Fill a small glass or cup-sized pot with soil and water it until it becomes moist. Now press the bottom of the leaf that was attached to the stem into the soil. Press the tip of the leaf about 30% of its size into the soil and place this pot in a shaded area.

In approximately 3-4 weeks, a small tuber or potato-like structure will form at the end of this leaf. After this, it can be planted in a medium-sized pot. If you wish, you can plant several leaves in a single pot at a slight distance from each other to prepare several new ZZ plant seedlings together. For filling the pot, mix 50% soil, 25% cow manure or vermicompost, and 25% sand or cocopeat and use it to prepare the plants, and it will show good growth.

ZZ plant care(ZZ प्लांट की देखभाल कैसे करें)

Taking care of ZZ plant is very easy because it does not require a lot of water, sunlight, etc. This plant does not attract diseases and pests. If the leaves of the plant grow too much and start coming in the way, pruning can also be done.

Water - Make sure to water the ZZ plant only when the soil feels dry.

Fertilizer - For fertilizer, you can mix NPK fertilizer (20:20:20) with water and apply it once a month.

Sunlight – The ZZ plant does not prefer direct sunlight, so it can be kept in a place with low sunlight or shade.

Rubber plants

In this era of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is very important to keep the air inside our homes fresh. In such a situation, people are keeping expensive air purifier machines at home. But you will be surprised to know that you can also keep your home's air fresh with the help of a rubber plant. 

Rubber plants
Yes, the rubber plant is a very beautiful plant that has the amazing ability to clean the polluted air in the environment. Not only that, its beautiful appearance can also enhance the beauty of your home. It should be noted that this plant contains anti-inflammatory properties, which can also be very beneficial in treating skin problems. You can easily maintain it at home. There are many other benefits of keeping a rubber plant in your home. Let's learn about its other benefits.

Rubber Plant Care( RUBBER PLANTS की देखभाल कैसे करें )

Despite better care, plants often get infested with pests and insects, requiring the application of pesticides to protect them. If you also want to protect your rubber plant from damage and insect infestations, you can spray it with neem oil mixed with water. It is cheaper and better than pesticides.

To keep plants healthy, they should be provided with adequate light, moist soil, and fertilizer. In a good environment, the rubber plant grows quite rapidly, and its leaves also appear more shiny.

The leaves of the rubber plant turn from deep green to a pink-coral color that resembles wax as they mature. In the right environment, the rubber plant grows rapidly, and to prevent it from falling or bending to one side, it should be supported using a rope or bamboo stick, keeping it straight.

How to Grow Rubber plant in Pot(RUBBER PLANTS गमले में कैसे लगाएं )

You can easily plant a Rubber Plant in a pot or grow bag in your home. Planting this beautiful plant is very easy and inexpensive. This plant is easily available at a very reasonable price in nurseries. Now, let's learn how to plant this beautiful Rubber Plant in a pot:

Choose a container with proper drainage: When planting indoor plants, always make sure to use containers or grow bags that allow excess water to drain out. In outdoor plants, the problem of root rot due to excessive watering is not often seen, but in indoor plants, this problem is frequently encountered.

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Fill the pot with appropriate soil: Rubber plants prefer a mixture of acidic soil. It is not necessary to fertilize this plant initially. Use a soil that drains water properly so that the roots don't rot.

Buy rubber plant from a nearby nursery: Rubber plants are easily available in local nurseries at a very reasonable price. Try to buy the plant from a nearby nursery. It is not necessary to plant a seedling only, you can also plant it from seeds.

Plant indoors or outdoors: You have to decide whether you want to plant your rubber plant indoors or outdoors according to your convenience. Most people prefer to plant this plant indoors.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

The special thing about Fiddle leaf fig is that they are not only efficient at purifying air and removing chemicals, but they are also efficient in reducing humidity as well as. This means that you can grow them in any area of your home where you have seen fungal or mold. They are particularly helpful for people with breathing problems caused by mold or fungal.

Fiddle Leaf Fig
To care for them, you should keep them in a bright area where they don't receive direct sunlight. If they do get some sunlight, that's okay, but they should not be kept in a dark place. Ferns typically prefer humid and warm areas, so keeping them near a window will help them perform well.

Fiddle leaf fig care(FIDDLE LEAF FIG की देखभाल)

Fiddle Leaf Fig is native to the tropical regions of Africa where they thrive in hot and humid conditions. This makes them somewhat challenging for domestic growers who may struggle to replicate these conditions. However, they are relatively tough plants that can handle a full environment for quite some time.

Fiddle leaf figs are not particularly demanding plants, as long as you can adjust their growing conditions. When grown as a houseplant, be prepared to rotate your fiddle leaf fig every few days so that a different section can face a source of sunlight. This way, it will grow evenly instead of leaning toward the light.

In addition, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth once a week or every other week. This not only makes the leaves shiny and more attractive but also allows the leaves to receive more sunlight for photosynthesis. Furthermore, you can prune any damaged or dead leaves as they no longer benefit the plant. And if you wish, you can also trim from the top of the main stem to encourage bushier growth.

Areca  Palm plants

According to a study, the Areca Palm helps in reducing indoor pollution by breaking down chemicals such as acetone, xylene, formaldehyde, and toluene. As a result, it provides clean air to breathe indoors as well, leading to a healthier environment.

Areca  Palm plants
If you plant an Areca palm in your home, it will filter compounds such as xylene and toluene from the air. This plant can grow up to 5 feet tall. It can survive even with less water. If you are looking for an indoor plant, you can choose this one. According to research, when a plant is planted in a room, the risk of disease decreases by up to 60 percent. It is beneficial for both mental and physical health.

How to grow Areca Palm plant(Areca palm plant कैसे लगाएं |)

Loamy soil is suitable for planting Areca palm. If you want to plant the Areca palm in a pot, use a large-sized pot as it grows big in 1-2 years. To plant it in a pot, mix 50% ordinary soil, 30% sand or cocopeat, and 20% organic manure. This mixture does not retain excess water and provides moisture to the plant.

You can either buy a new Areca palm seedling from a nursery or prepare a new one from an existing Areca palm plant. To prepare a new plant from an existing one, gently remove the plant with its roots and slowly separate it into 2-3 parts, including leaves. Each separated part can be planted separately. Soak the separated roots in a bucket of water for 1 hour, then plant them in new pots. Immediately water the new plant after planting.

You can also prepare a new Areca palm plant from its seeds. You can buy the seeds from a nursery or online. Soak the seeds in water for 24 hours before planting them one inch deep in the soil. Place the pot in a shaded area with light but no direct sunlight. The seeds will germinate in 4-6 weeks.

Areca Palm Care (Areca Palm की देखभाल कैसे करें)

The Areca Palm is a low-maintenance plant and unlike other houseplants, it doesn't require much care when placed indoors. You don't have to worry about overwatering it when you have it indoors. You can easily control its size by pruning it. However, it does require some amount of sunlight, so if you keep it indoors, place it in a spot where it can receive some sunlight.

Monstera Plant

Actually, there are many variations of the Monstera plant. The one that grows naturally with the cut-pie pattern is popular. This plant is known for its ability to efficiently remove formaldehyde, which is present in materials such as table furniture.

Monstera Plant

Monstera Care (Monstera की देखभाल कैसे करे)

If you are growing Monstera plants indoors, it's better to place them near a window where they can receive sufficient light. Monstera plants prefer bright, indirect sunlight.

Monstera plants require good quality soil that retains moisture well. You should also regularly mist the leaves of the plant to maintain the humidity around the plant, which will help keep the plant hydrated and the leaves clean.

When the Monstera plant is small, it doesn't produce splits on its leaves, so initially, its leaves look like those of a pothos plant. As the plant matures, it develops splits on its leaves, and a nice cutting design begins to form.

How to grow Monstera plant(Monstera plant कैसे लगाएं |)

Monstera plants can also be propagated from cuttings. Like pothos plants, Monstera plants produce aerial roots from which new plants can be created.

  • Take a cutting with aerial roots from a well-developed Monstera plant.

  • For potting mix, use equal parts of regular soil, cocopeat, and compost.

  • Good aerial roots emerge from the Monstera plant during the rainy season, so it would be good to plant it during this season.

Apart from these plants, there are many indoor plants that are good air purifiers such as snake plants, spider plants, money plants, etc.

We hope you found this article on how to plant and care for the plant helpful. Please share this article with your gardening enthusiast friends and acquaintances so that others can also benefit from this information. Leave your questions and experiences in the comments below.

Disclaimer: This article is solely for informational purposes. Do not self-diagnose or self-medicate, and in all cases consult a certified healthcare professional before using any information presented in the article. The editorial board does not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for any harm that may result from using the information provided in the article.

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